Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Up with the Birds"

I just realized that we have been in Jacksonville for exactly 3 weeks! That’s it – 21 days. But it feels like an eternity with Melbourne being a distant memory. Granted it’s very likely that I’m suppressing immense grief for leaving our home, friends, job and school…. Anyhoo, I’m not slowing down; I won’t let myself slow down (at least not yet). There’s too much to see, do and organize. Here’s a rundown of the last 20 days in no particular order:
  • Found out mother was in a car accident during our travels (luckily she’s now on the mend
  • Cruised around town in PT Cruiser and happily dispensed of it 10 days later
  • Moved into our lovely serviced apartment after 1 very long night in the airport Microtel
  • Welcomed our two cats from Australia after their comfort stop in San Francisco
  • Explored San Marco – twice. Cute from a distance but way too much tchotchke up close!
  • Stumbled into 5 Points, which makes Little 5 Points seem huge
  • Met the lovely owners of Scribes Café and had the tastiest reuben
  • Found a feline vet when our little cat was suffering from extreme jetlag
  • H did his part for the flailing economy by taking advantage of a Banana Republic sale
  • He then embraced FL culture (and colors) by buying a pastel orange oxford for work! It really suits him btw
  • Still deliberating about which whole foods market is better – Fresh Market or Native Sun?
  • Decided that the city’s “best” authentic Indian is really, really ordinary and not that authentic. (Needed a microscope to find the paneer in my palak paneer)
  • Scared by the portions at the Metro Diner but happy to have a brunch place
  • H started his new job
  • Got drivers license and managed to register to vote by a whisker
  • Found a nice walking path that we’re enjoying most nights. It actually rains here!
  • Almost finished a large bottle of Bombay Sapphire – G&Ts are a bit too lovely in this tropical climate
  • Went to dinner in Ponte Vedra with friends of the PUs
  • Explored Avondale and discovered $5 happy hour martinis at Sterlings (nice crab cakes too)
  • Agree with Folio Weekly about Burrito Gallery having great burritos
  • Went to a hot yoga class
  • Then uncovered the dodgy “shiatsu” underbelly of the city and seem to have gotten blacklisted by the one and only “guru”….
  • Grandmother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure but is still fighting
  • Found an acupuncturist, who I’ll definitely be seeing again since there’s no shiatsu
  • Got a library card
  • H got his drivers license, we got insured and bought a new, pretty Honda – all in one day
  • Went to Jacksonville Beach where H bemoaned the fact that the Atlantic ocean is brown
  • Toured St Augustine during Bike-tober Fest and found it more than a little scary
  • Still looking for a Tai Chi class….
  • Job search underway -- postings are few and nerves are frayed
  • Trying to psych myself up to make cold calls re employment opportunities – not quite there yet
  • Contacted the MS Society about volunteering and have already had one volunteer gig
  • Getting creative – started this blog and have been taking heaps of photos
  • Staying disciplined with daily meridian exercises and meditation
  • Happy with local Total Wine & More – found an excellent 2006 Alsatian Gewurztraminer
  • Have given H one shiatsu treatment
  • Rekindled my love for gua sha
  • Finished 1.5 books and gave up on 2 others
  • Have done our bit to support NPR (Made sure $ went to national programming instead of local because of the surly volunteer who took my call and money)
  • Wasting way too much time on Facebook!
  • Discovered I fit into size 0 cords from J Crew – who knew? Got a pair in v. bright persimmon (I should mention my australian matchstick jeans are size 9....)
  • Wishes the elliptical fitness machine at the gym wasn’t so dull and difficult. Have to make sure the new cords still fit once it cools down (if it cools down?)
  • Voted!!! How sweet is Florida’s early voting? Here’s hoping FL doesn’t fuck up again. Here’s hoping my candidate doesn’t fuck it up either…
I’m exhausted after that little recap or maybe I’m just exhausted. It’s supposed to be windy and rainy today so perhaps I’ll just curl up on the sofa with the cats, some books and nice cups of jasmine tea. Yes – a rest day sounds like a great idea to me!

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